Department of Public Outreach

Education and Public Outreach in Bymuseet aim to make historical objects, houses and facilities, historical sources and knowledge about tangible and intangible cultural heritage accessible and relevant to a wide audience.


Encourage understanding and interest in history, in the lived life of the past and in the connection between past, present and future.

Formidlingsplan 2021-2025

Forskningsplan for Bymuseet

Please find the contact information to employees of the Department of Public Outreach here

Kari Skarprud Pettersen, head of Public Outreach
+47 976 38 865
Baard Olav Skogrand, senior curator
+47 473 01 775
Berit Eggen Solstad, museum educator
+47 909 55 824
Christine Frønsdal, volunteers coordinator
+47 450 81 778
Espen Kutschera, museum educator
+47 918 08 378
Grete Kristina Eilertsen, museum educator / head of section reception and service
+47 481 62 678
Ian Holcroft, exhibition architect
+47 976 89 914
Knut Høiaas, museum educator
+47 934 25 805
Kristine M.E. Olsen, head receptionist
+47 977 76 233
Lars Voss Sørhus, museum educator
+47 958 95 595
Martha Lillestøl, head receptionist
+47 975 62 487
Mary-Anne Kismul, museum host
+47 941 25 162
Rune Kvam, museum architect
+47 977 86 706
Sigrid Samset Mygland, senior curator medieval archeology
+47 930 79 962