Lytt til innlegget
Håkonshallen har stått ved innseilingen til Vågen i mer enn 760 år. Den staselige hallen har huset både kongelige, danske høvedsmenn, soldater, fanger og antakelig rotter og mus. Den har hatt ulike navn opp gjennom tidene: Steinhallen, Breidastova, Langhuset, Magasinhuset og Provianthuset.
Se kort guide til ditt besøk i Håkonshallen
Håkon Håkonsson fikk bygget den store og staselige steinhallen mellom 1247 og 1261. I 1247 var det en stor begivenhet på kongsgården i Bergen, nemlig kroningen av kong Håkon. Kardinal Vilhelm av Sabina kom til byen for å krone kongen på sommeren. Ifølge sagaen så var dette den verste regnsommeren i manns minne og Håkon har ingen store nok haller tilgjengelig i kongsgården. Det hele ender med at kroningsfesten blir holdt i et stort naust.
Dette var da ikke verdig en konge, så Håkon bygget to gode steinhaller i kongsgården. Første gang vi hører om at den er i bruk var i september 1261, til Magnus Lagabøtes og danske prinsesse Ingeborgs bryllup og kroning. Da står det i sagaen at kongene holdt til i steinhallen. Den andre steinhallen omtales gjerne som Julehallen og ligger i dag i ruiner på vestsiden av Håkonshallen.
To andre kongelige bryllup fant også sted i steinhallen, Magnus Lagabøtes sønn, Eirik Magnusson giftet seg først i 1281 med skotske Margrete Aleksandersdatter og igjen i 1293 med skotske Isabella Bruce. Da Eirik døde i 1299, flyttet hovedsete fra Bergen til Oslo. Uten en sønn til å overta kronen, var det hans lillebror Håkon Magnusson som ble Norges konge. Han var allerede hertug i Oslo og bygger opp Akershus festning.
På denne tiden stod kongsgården i forfall. Den danske kongen sendte sin høvedsmann Jørgen Hanssøn til Bergen for å sette i stand den noe forfalne kongsgården. Den tidligere så staselige steinhallen trengte store reparasjoner på taket blant annet. Det ble etter hvert en dyr affære og den danske kongen bad om at reparasjoner skulle utføres så billig som mulig. Som resultat stod da hallen uten tak i ca. 40 år på 1600-tallet for så å få ulike takformer. Soldater hadde forlegning inne i hallen da den stod uten tak og etter hvert ble den tidligere festhallen omgjort til magasin med loft. Da stod der blant annet 1000 tønner korn lagret i hallen.
Hva hallen opprinnelig var bygget til og av hvem var gått helt i glemselen de siste århundrene. Det er J.C. Dahl og Lyder Sagen som i ettertid har fått æren av å gjenoppdage hallens betydning. En historiker på 1600-tallet, Edvard Edvardsen var inne på tanken, men det ble med det.
I 1840 ble midtrommet i hallens kjeller innredet som kirke for fangene som satt på Bergenhus festnings straffeanstalt, kjent som Slaveriet. To store vinduer ble da slått ut i vestveggen for å gi lys til kirkerommet. Slaveriet var i bruk frem til 1887.
Hallen stod ferdig restaurert og utsmykket første gang i 1916 og andre gang i 1961. Håkonshallen får sitt navn av Henrik Wergeland under et forsøk på å skape oppmerksomhet og få samlet inn penger til arbeidet. Siste restaurering ble gjort etter eksplosjonsulykken i 1944 og hallen ble ferdig restaurert for andre gang og gjenåpnet i september 1961.
I dag er Håkonshallen et nasjonalt kulturminne, som både er museum og arena for kongelige middager, offisielle arrangement og konserter.
Kan ein lage ei svær utstilling om berre ei bok? Svaret er ja! Bymuseet, Universitetet i Bergen og Vestland fylkeskommune har gått saman om å lage ei storslått utstilling om kong Magnus Lagabøte si landslov på Bryggens Museum.
Les mer om landslovjubileet her
I resepsjonen kan man få utlevert en festningsrebus hvor man svarer på spørsmål om festningen, svarene finner man på uteområdet. Ønsker man å gå en tur på festningen, kan man få utlevert en festningsløype i resepsjonen, med kart og informasjon om bygninger og området.
The personal data that the City Museum in Bergen can collect, process and store is determined by the Personal Data Act . This applies to the entire company’s work, including the website. is the website of the City Museum in Bergen and covers all our museums and departments. The website uses log files, which collect information such as IP addresses, browser type, referral page, ISP, time, etc. The data can not be linked to you as a person.
The website uses cookies, also called cookies. Read more about cookies.
The Purpose
Personal Data Act stipulates that we must inform about how personal data we receive is used. We process personal data in accordance with Chapter II, Section 8 of the Personal Data Act.
The City Museum in Bergen collects personal information both in connection with public services and related to the museum’s research, documentation and archiving.
The Responsible for processing
Director is, on behalf of the City Museum in Bergen, responsible for processing the company’s processing of personal data. Organization number: 988 212 024.
Collection and processing of personal information:
On the website we collect personal information through registration for events, competitions or other contact with the City Museum in Bergen. The basis for this treatment is Article 6 (b) of the Privacy Ordinance. Where you have consented to it, the information is also used to provide you with information, offers and service in newsletters, e-mail, telephone and SMS. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance Art 6 (a). You can at any time refuse to receive such information from us, or withdraw your consent.
The Collections, documentation and research:
City Museum in Bergen also collects personal information in connection with our social mission. This may be personal information that accompanies objects, photographs, interviews, gifts, donations, etc. This data is collected only to the extent necessary for the sake of the social mission and the public interest. The data processing takes place in accordance with the Archives Act .
Job applicants
In connection with employment, the City Museum in Bergen receives personal information from applicants. This information is processed in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Personal information on our website:
Search the site
Keywords that users search for on the site are collected and stored in Google Analytics. The purpose of the storage is to be able to use data about what is being searched for, to adapt the content on the pages and make the search function better. The keywords cannot be linked to other information about the user who performed the search.
buttons and external links On some pages on the website, there are order buttons that lead to other websites, such as the purchase button in the event calendar. If the link leads to a website other than, the City Museum in Bergen is not responsible for the processing of personal data on the external site. It is then the external website’s privacy statement that applies.
Integrated elements from external sites
Some pages on the site may use integrated content from external sites, such as Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. These elements leave cookies in your browser, which the respective platforms use for statistics and marketing (see information about cookies above).
The City Museum in Bergen does not store information about your use of these elements, it is only collected and stored by the external actor.
Information security
We secure your personal information by both physical and virtual access and access control, as well as by encrypting sensitive parts of submitted information. Our websites are secured with SSL certificate.
Bergen City Museum in social media
You can also find the City Museum in Bergen in social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. Your activity and information from your profile is displayed on the page where you have written or posted photos, to all visitors to the page / profile. This information is the media’s (eg Facebook) property and is not stored at the City Museum in Bergen. We do not use your comments or your profile information other than that they appear in the comments field on the page. In these cases, it is the social media platform’s own privacy statement that applies.
Storage and disclosure of information
Personal information registered on our websites is not available to other visitors to the website. The information will not be shared with third parties unless this is necessary to deliver the service that has been ordered and you have given consent.
The City Museum in Bergen does not sell your personal information to others.
Information registered in connection with events is stored in accordance with the law. They are not used for anything other than the event. The information will not be shared with third parties beyond this, unless you have given your consent to this when filling out the form.
If you are applying for a job at the City Museum in Bergen, we store your application and personal information as long as the recruitment process is ongoing. Then all your data will be deleted, unless otherwise agreed and active consent to this has been given in writing.
Personal information that is registered in connection with collections of documentation and research is stored on a separate server, in a lockable cabinet and in magazines.
Access, correction or deletion of personal data
We process your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and current regulations. Please note that you can demand access to and transfer of your own personal information, as well as demand correction or deletion of information.
It can be complained to the Data Inspectorate about processing in violation of the rules.
Contact information
Inquiries about what information is registered, correction and deletion can be sent to or the City Museum in Bergen, PO Box 4052 Sandviken, 5835 Bergen.
Privacy and cookies in the City Museum download document here.
The personal data that Bymuseet Bergen can collect, process and store is determined by the Personal Data Act. This applies to the entire company’s work, including the website. is the website of Bymuseet I Bergen. It covers all our museums and departments. The website uses log files, which collect information such as IP addresses, browser type, referral page, ISP, time, etc. The data can not be linked to you as a person.
The website uses cookies, also called cookies. Read more about cookies.
The Purpose
Personal Data Act stipulates that we must inform about how personal data we receive is used. We process personal data in accordance with Chapter II, Section 8 of the Personal Data Act.
Bymuseet i Bergen collects personal information both in connection with public services and related to the museum’s research, documentation and archiving.
The Responsible for processing
Director is, on behalf of Bymuseet i Bergen, responsible for processing the company’s processing of personal data. Organization number: mva 988 212 024.
Collection and processing of personal information:
On the website we collect personal information through registration for events, competitions or other contact with Bymuseet i Bergen. The basis for this treatment is Article 6 (b) of the Privacy Ordinance. Where you have consented to it, the information is also used to provide you with information, offers and service in newsletters, e-mail, telephone and SMS. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance Art 6 (a). You can at any time refuse to receive such information from us, or withdraw your consent.
The Collections, documentation and research:
Bymuseet i Bergen also collects personal information in connection with our social mission. This may be personal information that accompanies objects, photographs, interviews, gifts, donations, etc. This data is collected only to the extent necessary for the sake of the social mission and the public interest. The data processing takes place in accordance with the Archives Act .
Job applicants
In connection with employment, Bymuseet i Bergen receives personal information from applicants. This information is processed in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Personal information on our website:
Search the site
Keywords that users search for on the site are collected and stored in Google Analytics. The purpose of the storage is to be able to use data about what is being searched for, to adapt the content on the pages and make the search function better. The keywords cannot be linked to other information about the user who performed the search.
buttons and external links. On some pages on the website, there are order buttons that lead to other websites, such as the purchase button in the event calendar. If the link leads to a website other than, Bymuseet I Bergen is not responsible for the processing of personal data on the external site. It is then the external website’s privacy statement that applies.
Integrated elements from external sites
Some pages on the site may use integrated content from external sites, such as Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. These elements leave cookies in your browser, which the respective platforms use for statistics and marketing (see information about cookies above).
Bymuseet i Bergen does not store information about your use of these elements, it is only collected and stored by the external actor.
Information security
We secure your personal information by both physical and virtual access and access control, as well as by encrypting sensitive parts of submitted information. Our websites are secured with SSL certificate.
Bymuseet i Bergen in social media
You can also find Bymuseet i Bergen in social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. Your activity and information from your profile is displayed on the page where you have written or posted photos, to all visitors to the page / profile. This information is the media’s (eg Facebook) property and is not stored at Bymuseet i Bergen. We do not use your comments or your profile information other than that they appear in the comments field on the page. In these cases, it is the social media platform’s own privacy statement that applies.
Storage and disclosure of information
Personal information registered on our websites is not available to other visitors to the website. The information will not be shared with third parties unless this is necessary to deliver the service that has been ordered and you have given consent.
Bymuseet i Bergen does not sell your personal information to others.
Information registered in connection with events is stored in accordance with the law. They are not used for anything other than the event. The information will not be shared with third parties beyond this unless you have given your consent to this when filling out the form.
If you are applying for a job at Bymuseet i Bergen, we store your application and personal information as long as the recruitment process is ongoing. Then all your data will be deleted, unless otherwise agreed and active consent to this has been given in writing.
Personal information that is registered in connection with collections of documentation and research is stored on a separate server, in a lockable cabinet and in magazines.
Access, correction or deletion of personal data
We process your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and current regulations. Please note that you can demand access to and transfer of your own personal information, as well as demand correction or deletion of information.
It can be complained to the Data Inspectorate about processing in violation of the rules.
Terms booking
All our prices inclusive of 12 % V.A.T. We accept vouchers and have an invoicing system, 30 days term.
Accompanying certificate special needs – free for companion.
25 % discounts on groups more than 10 persons. Guide and driver free of charge. Not applicable to Bryggen Guiding, city walks, theatre walks, guided tours etc.
Prices applies in our ordinary opening hours. Requests all year around outside the official opening hours are welcome, additional fees may occur. Please contact us at
Cancellation policy:
Visits within regular opening hours: If cancelled later than 48 hours in advance customer pays 25 % of the entrance fee. Latest change of pax 24 hours in advance.
Visits outside regular opening hours: If cancelled with 14 day’s notice, free of charge, otherwise no refund of additional fees. If cancelled later than 48 hours customer pays 25 % of entrance fee.
Contact information
Inquiries about what information is registered, correction and deletion can be sent to or Bymuseet i Bergen, PO Box 4052 Sandviken, NO 5835 Bergen.